The Joys of Snowmobiling
… plus a New Youth Deer Hunters patch, Ice Fishing from Perch to Pike, and Three of the Smartest Dogs in the World!
Why do Mainer’s go snowmobiling? Here’s a clue – it’s for the FUN! The community of trail riders, freestylers, boondockers, ditch-bangers – and, if there’s no snow, “grass-draggers” – is just that – a community! And all you need in order to join that community is to own, rent or borrow a sled and get out on the trails, lakes and ponds.
The January 2021 issue of The Maine Sportsman pays homage to the joyful snowmobiler, whether in northwestern Maine near the Quebec border (“Jackman Region,” p. 38), along Maine’s biggest lake (“Moosehead Region,” p. 48), or hauling ice-fishing gear across a pond in “The Crown of Maine” (Aroostook County, p. 30), we provide plenty of sledding coverage in this issue. And don’t forget the Rangeley Snodeo, January 21 – 23, held at the airport, with races, vintage sleds and youth events! See for details. Our snowmobile special section (starting on p. 19) reveals how to plan a successful power-sledding trip with friends and family.
Ice fishing is allowed statewide January 1, and folks are anxious to get out on the “hard water.” From pike (see “Central Maine,” p. 54) and rainbow trout (“Sebago to Auburn,” p. 58) to pickerel and perch (special ice-fishing section, p. 24) and even smelt on the Kennebec (p. 28), you’ll read hints from the pros about how to pull the big ones through holes in the ice. And don’t miss Kate Krukowski Gooding’s fish chowder recipe featuring the new go-to tasty fish, crappie (p. 64).
Hey – we have an announcement! Due to multiple requests from young deer hunters, as well as from their parent and grandparents, we are now offering a Youth Deer Hunter Patch for girls and boys hunting on a junior license who successfully bring home a buck or doe of any size. It’s an accomplishment worthy of recognition! See our website’s “Patch Clubs” link for the application.
And who doesn’t like a good sporting dog story? Well, how about three? Ginger the Vizsla likes riding in boats (p. 62). Gracie the black lab has found 200 shed moose antlers (p. 33). And Pearl, a tireless chocolate lab, retrieved sea duck after sea duck from the frigid waters of the Atlantic during an all-women smooth-bore hunt (p. 43).
So enjoy! And get out there and safely give your business to restaurants, guides, sporting camps and outdoor supply stores as they work to offer curbside service and safe-distance shopping, expertise and accommodations.
We deliver or mail our magazines each month to stores, so look for us at your nearest newsstand. And the New Year is also a great time to ensure your own copy – or a gift for your favorite outdoors-person – each month by requesting a print or digital subscription here, or by calling 207-622-4242.
Thank you for your continued readership support, and please take care of yourselves while enjoying all that Maine – and The Maine Sportsman – have to offer.
Will Lund, editor
The Maine Sportsman magazine