July 20 is Deadline to Swap Moose Permits
So your name was selected in the moose lottery, but the time or location does not work well for you. Is there anything you can do?
Yes, says the Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife. Moose permit winners are allowed to swap their moose permit with another moose permit winner, with the following conditions:
- Only one swap is allowed
- Both moose permits must be paid for, prior to the swap, and
- The moose permit holder must take the steps to identify and contact potential permit holders to swap with (resources listed below).
- A moose permit holder can transfer a hunting zone, area or season. Compensation between the two parties who are transferring moose permits is allowed, but the law prohibits paying any party to facilitate or broker the exchange.
Both permittees must sign a written swap letter or complete the “moose swap application” available on DIF&W’s website. The letter must include both of both names, permit numbers, permit types, seasons, and WMDs. The application or letter must be accompanied by a $7 check (one check covers both hunters).
The letter or application and $7 check must be sent to: Moose Permit Swap, MDIFW, 353 Water Street, 41SHS, Augusta ME 04333 and received by July 20, 2022. Swaps will not be allowed after this deadline.
Here are links to two exchange services:
You can also purchase a listing of moose permit winners from InforME at informe.org/moose