This Month June - a Hopping Month June reigns as a hopping month in the Maine outdoors. In the North Country, consistent, aquatic-insect hatches keep folks covering rises, river action produces big trout and salmon, and brooks offer fast fishing ... Keep Reading
The month in Maine – March
This Month March May Be the Muddy Month.... March may be the muddy month in the bottom third of the state, but on some days, spring’s smells, sounds and sights intoxicate us, while offering visions of new greens and open water, lying just around ... Keep Reading
The Month in Maine – January
Full-Force Winter Arrives in January In Maine, January ranks as the coldest month with the lowest average high and low temperatures of the year, but on Jan. 1 in many years, lack of safe ice slows early ice-fishing. By month’s end, however, darned ... Keep Reading
The Month in Maine – December
This Month Dark December Creates Festive Mood For this writer during the dark, festive month, a perfect December day goes like this: After arise at the break of dawn or earlier, I work until late morning or early afternoon, head outdoors for sport ... Keep Reading