This Month Snow and Ice – and Soon Green! By the time April Fool’s Day arrives in the bottom third of Maine, temperatures have risen a little warmer than most winter days, but ice still covers ponds and lakes and snow stands deep on the north side ... Keep Reading
The Month in Maine – January
Full-Force Winter Arrives in January In Maine, January ranks as the coldest month with the lowest average high and low temperatures of the year, but on Jan. 1 in many years, lack of safe ice slows early ice-fishing. By month’s end, however, darned ... Keep Reading
The Month in Maine – December
This Month Dark December Creates Festive Mood For this writer during the dark, festive month, a perfect December day goes like this: After arise at the break of dawn or earlier, I work until late morning or early afternoon, head outdoors for sport ... Keep Reading
This Month in Maine – August 2013
The Month Cold Mornings and Hot Afternoons With Plenty to Do! August reigns as an odd month in Maine. Dawns can be downright chilled, offering a hint of fall, but by 9 or 10 a.m., it’s summer again. By sunset, temperatures drop again, and if the ... Keep Reading